Believe...that all thing are possible with God.
Dream... of the endless possibilities of Gods power.
Imagine... what God could do through you!

Friday, January 27, 2012

What's in a name?

     I really like the little city that I live in, not too big or too small.  One of the things I like the most is it's name: La Porte La Porte is a french word which means "The Door" or opening in the trees, which later gave birth to this city. When I think of the meaning of "The Door", immediately I come to John 10:7 "Then Jesus said to them again, "Most assuredly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep."  Jesus is the door, the gate, the only way to get to the Father. The very name of Jesus Christ, which in Hebrew is Yeshua Ha'Mashhiach means God saves/ The Messiah. Unfortunately, when you translate YeShua Ha' Mashiach into English it looses it full meaning.  Since it should be Jesus the Messiah not Christ. In the new testament the Greeks did not have a word for Messiah, so as a result they rendered it to the closest thing: anointed one.  However, this rendering does not give the true meaning of who Jesus was, especially not for the Jewish people.  As far as they are concerned, Abraham, Moses, David and the patriarchs were anointed, but the Messiah? Now that's a different story!
     Now you may be saying, so... so what's in a name?  Everything!  The Jewish people have always put a lot of thought into the importance of names. Children were given names because of what it meant, not just because it sounded pretty.  Example: Hannah names her son Samuel because it means heard of God; God answered her prayers and gave her this son.  Names are important, so how much more then the name of Jesus.  Try talking about Jesus Christ to your Jewish friend, neighbor or co-worker.  They may raise their eyes at you, but they'll just say to themselves. "Oh, the gentile's god", but mention the name Yeshua Ha'Mashiach and you'll get their attention.... either they'll want to know more or they'll get anger and walk away.  Either way, you'll have their attention and they'll know whom it is you believe in.
     It is the Messiah that the world was waiting for, it the Messiah who came, and it is the Messiah who will come again. However, for many Jewish people they are still waiting for Him to come the 1st time.  This is why it's important to not only pray for them but talk to them about your relationship with YeShua Ha Mashiach.
The Jewish Messiah who came to save Jews and Gentiles alike, so that we could be one in HIM!  

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